This course is a legislatively mandated program designed and intended to upgrade the knowledge and education levels of persons wishing to become administrators of STRTP’s through a certification process. This training program has been developed to meet the California Department of Social Services requirements for STRTP administrators per the STRTP Core of Knowledge(COK) guidelines, STRTP Interim Licensing Standards and CCL Title 22, Division 6, Chapter 1, General Licensing Regulations, and Administrator Certification Health & Safety Code 1522.41 for Group Home and STRTP.
You will receive handout/s,Via Email 5 days before class starts.
NOTE: If you want paper handouts you can purchase them in class, for an additional charge.
A 1 Hour lunch and several 10 minute breaks will be observed through out the day.
**Note – per regulations,the 1 Hour lunch is not included in the mandatory 40hr of instruction time.
All 40 HOURS (5 days) of training MUST be completed to receive a certificate. To make up a missed day (OR PORTIONS OF) you will have to wait for the next course offering.
See class attendance and cancellation policy below, for make up days in the event you miss a day. $30 rescheduling fee applies.
How to Become an Administrator, How to Register for the Exam, 2022 Administrator Certification Exam Calendar, Exam Terms and Conditions, Exam Frequently Asked Questions, Blackboard User Guide, Sample Blackboard Exam.
All potential administrators are limited to three (3) attempts to pass the Administrator Certification Examination within 60 days of their ICTP course completion date.
ACS has addressed program relevant waivers in their Frequently Asked Questions.
Administrator Questions:
Examination Questions:
Course Materials
State Regulations, Practice Questions, and Course handouts are emailed 4/5 days before class. You are responsible for printing out all the course materials prior to class. Due to the volume of the regulations & course handouts we recommend that you do not print, rather use digital copies on your computer. NOTE: If you want paper handouts you can purchase them in class, for an additional charge.
STRTP Interim Licensing Regulations, ILS
The course focus is on learning STRTP ILS Regulations and GH General Regulations, for the purpose of passing the state exam and operating an STRTP Facility. This course does not cover Title 17 or Regional Center Material.
Some Important Definitions:
STRTP: Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program”, means a residential facility operated by a public agency or private organization and licensed by the California Department of Social Services pursuant to Section 1562.01 that provides an integrated program of specialized and intensive care and supervision, services and supports, treatment, and short-term 24-hour care and supervision to children. The care and supervision provided by a short-term residential therapeutic program shall be non-medical, except as otherwise permitted by law. Private short-term residential therapeutic programs shall be organized and operated on a nonprofit basis
ILS: The Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program “Interim Licensing Standards” (ILS) constitute the written instructions authorized by Assembly Bill 403 (Chapter 773, Statutes of 2015) and Assembly Bill 1997 (Chapter 612, Statutes of 2016) for the California Department of Social Services to implement the Continuum of Care Reform Provisions that govern Short-Term Residential Treatment Programs on and after January 1, 2017. STRTP ILS
Interim Licensing Standards are a set of rules that are issued by the California Department of Social Services Department as an operational tool to implement a law that was recently passed. These Standards will be replaced with Title 22 regulation once written and approved.
STRTP ICTP: STRTP, Initial Certification Training Program
Here is a great Resource Page to educate yourself on key STRTP topics before coming to training.
Methods of Payment:
1. On this website (preferred): Add tickets to the Shopping Cart below and check out using PayPal: You DO NOT need to have a PayPal account or create a PayPal account to make payments on this website. You can pay with your credit or debit card: select the option to pay with credit card follow the prompts to check out..
2. Checks payable to: ‘Careprovider.Org’
Please ensure you note the participant’s name and course name on the check.
Mail to: 2648 E Workman Ave, # 308, West Covina CA 91791