Medication management represents an area of great responsibility. If not managed according to physician orders and in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, medications intended to help a resident’s health may place that individual’s health and safety at risk.
This guide is meant to help providers understand the regulations for medication management but is not a substitute for the actual regulations and statutes governing the operation of a licensed program. The following information provides regulatory and statutory requirements as well as suggestions for best practices to provide additional safeguards in the management of medications in a facility.
An Appendix is also included at the end of this training that provides applicable statutes and regulations as they relate to medication management in licensed facilities. This guide is not an exhaustive treatment of the subject. If you have additional questions, you should consult with your Regional Office.
GENERAL GUIDANCE It is important for all facilities providing care and supervision to consumers with medication needs to ensure the following:
Topics addresses are:
Medication Scenarios
Designating Staff to Handle and Administer Medication
Storage of Medication
Arrives with Medication, Changes to Dosage, and Medication Refills
Permanently Discontinued Medication, Destruction of Medication, and Medication is Discontinued
Medication is Placed on Hold, Medication Expires, and Medication Is Left Behind
Medication is Missed, Refused or Side Effects are Experienced
Medication Needs to be Crushed or Altered, Setting up Medication
Visits & Outings
Guidance for administering specific Medications