Caring for children who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation is particularly difficult due to many factors. The most challenging of which is the acceptance and understanding that recovery and healing is not immediate, nor consistent. More importantly, it is not always within the control of the
caregiver or service provider. This is due, in part, to the complex trauma associated with exploitation, the exploiter’s manipulation of the youth, and the youth’s reluctance to access services or remain in placement. Agencies and partners also lack specialized resources and training on how to best engage this population. This results in difficulty engaging in appropriate services, maintaining safety and building trust.
All youth, and especially children who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation,
require a practice approach that is flexible, consistent, culturally sensitive and focused on
serving a youth’s whole being, not solely their exploitive experiences.
In this course we will address the following:
- Caregivers Role in Utilizing Harm Reduction Strategies with Commercially Sexually
Exploited Youth - Adoption of Harm Reduction in Philosophy and Practice
- Immediate Needs and Well-Being
- Safety Planning
- Teaming
- Ongoing Engagement
- What to Avoid
- Parents and Relative Caregivers
- Harm Reduction for Residential Facility Administrators
- Staffing and Training
Course Duration: Approx 1 hour