Administrator Questions: AdminCertInfo@dss.ca.gov
Examination Questions: ACSExamInfo@dss.ca.gov
Receive Certificate of completion after you take our class: Certificate issued, via email, after the last day of class once you have completed all days.
Course Materials
State Regulations, Practice Questions, and Course handouts are emailed 4/5 days before class. You are responsible for printing out all the course materials prior to class. Due to the volume of the regulations & course handouts we recommend that you do not print, rather use digital copies on your computer.
To request paper handouts, call our office, 626-484-9256, at least 15 days prior to class. Extra fees apply.
Initial Administrators
Fingerprinting / Criminal Clearance
Administrator Certification Bureau
All potential administrators are limited to three (3) attempts to pass the Administrator Certification Examination within 60 days of their ICTP completion date.
A 1 Hour lunch and several 10 minute breaks will be observed through out the day. Note – the 1 Hour lunch is not included in the 40hr of instruction time per regulations.
All the hours of training MUST be completed to receive a certificate. To make up a missed day (OR PORTIONS OF) you will have to wait for the next course offering or pay for a private training session.
See class attendance and cancellation policy below, for make-up days in the event you miss a day. $30 rescheduling fee applies.
Renewing Administrators
How to check your Administrator Application Status
Facility Types <<– Click
- GH=Group Home (GH) and STRTP, refers to children’s programs ONLY 0-18 yrs. Non-Minor Dependent 18-21 yrs.
- ARF=Adult Residential Facility refers to adults programs 18-59 yrs.
- RCFE=Residential Care for the Elderly refers to programs for seniors 59 yrs and above.
- STRTP=Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program refers to programs for children up to 18 yrs that need intense specialty mental health services.